Sep 14, 2011

Use Configuration Tweaks to Eliminate Mozilla Firefox Slow to Load Issues

Anytime you are browsing the web, the browser plays very important role in determining how your experience would be and this is the reason Mozilla Firefox slow to load questions has gained prominence among internet users in recent time. Mozilla Firefox is unarguably the fastest internet browser at the moment but it can slow down sometimes due to some reasons.

If you had enjoyed the speed of Firefox before now and would like to get that speed back, there certain Firefox configuration tweaks you can easily do to speed up your browser. There are lots of journals on how best to speed up Firefox but our concern here is to give you practical guide on how you can easily get your Firefox configured for the much needed faster browsing.

Mozilla Firefox slow to load would seize to be any issue for you by the time you follow these four easy configuration tweaks.

The first thing you should do right away is type 'about:config' in your mozilla browser. You will see the following lines; "network.http.pipelining", "network.http.pipelining.maxrequests", "network.http.proxy.pipelining", "network.http.pipelining", network.dns.disableIPv6", and then, "plugin.expose_full_path". You can easily search for any of these lines by typing any of the lines in the filter bar of your browser.

The moment you find any of the lines, you must change the values one after the other to 'TRUE' except one of the lines. For instance, you are going to change all these lines values to 'TRUE'; thus; 'network.http.pipelining', 'network.http.proxy.pipelining', 'network.http.pipelining', 'plugin.expose_full_path'. The only line that its value wouldn't be 'true' is the 'network.http.pipelining.maxrequests'. It has to be clicked severally to get the value 30.

When you have successfully finished with the above configurations, it is now time to work closely on the filter bar. Just type "" on the filter bar. Just right-click on it, then choose the 'NEW', and then select 'INTEGER'.

Immediately after that, type 'content.notify.backoffcount" on the new INTEGER Value box and then simply click 'OK'. Then type '5' on the Enter Integer value box and click 'OK' too.

Then again, right-click on "" and make sure you choose 'NEW, then select 'INTEGER'.

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