After being criticized for what many users is described as a less-than-smooth upgrade to Windows Vista, the Microsoft team is working hard to ensure a smooth transition for your operating system Windows 7.
Windows ChartUpgrade performance matrix.
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As part of the effort, Chris Hernandez, Microsoft recently published in the time that 7 must have to update multiple Windows users. Mr. Hernandez writes that "one of the key targets for Windows 7, in general, must be better than Vista" and that according to his evidence, "even in the most extreme case, upgrading to Windows 7 is significantly faster that the upgrade to Vista. "
Exactly how much faster? Mr. Hernandez goes on to say that the time needed to upgrade to Windows 7 "is faster or more within a 5% threshold when updating Vista Service Pack 1." In practical terms, this means that "clean, high hardware end "users must wait for the update times of 30 to 35 minutes, while" super users "- defined as those with mid-range high-end software - it may be necessary to set aside a maximum of 1,220 minutes for the windows 7 update.
Of course, the experience of updating each individual can - and probably - varies, but if you're interested in getting a reliable estimate, check out the chart above to track your time.
Oct 12, 2009
Windows 7 Goes for a Faster Upgrade
Labels: window 7, windows 7, Windows 7 Update