Brace yourself for the vanishing menu bar because Mozilla has appeared an official feature list for Firefox 3.6 in the anatomy of adviser for programmers who charge to apperceive about the changes. The Firefox 3.6 developer guide mentions a capability to automatically hide the menu bar, a change that dovetails with sparer Firefox user interface designs that Mozilla has begun exploring for Firefox versions 3.7 and 4.0. That's important for constituent developers and others who use the card bar to ascendancy their add-ons. For those developing Web applications, there is a feature for adding sounds that can play in acknowledgment to specific events. That sounds advantageous for advice people of new e-mail, burning messages, or any amount of contest in Web applications that today accept agitation accepting your absorption as calmly as software active natively on the operating system. Mozilla also focusing to make another change that is the online Internet browser supply not just latitude and longitude coordinates but also user-friendly address terms such as street, city, and postal code. The addition of relocation features that is applicable for authenticated sites means it enable authorized Web sites, do that kind things like show your location and nearby shops on a map, is one of the important features in Firefox 3.5. Mozilla supposed to release Firefox 3.5 in June.