Mozilla this week hired Ajaxian co-founders Dion Almaer and Ben Galbraith to head up a new group that will focus on the creation of developer tools for the open Web. "We believe that there's tremendous opportunity for innovation in tools that increase developer productivity, enable compelling user experiences, and promote the use of open standards," Chris Beard, vice president and general manager of Mozilla Labs, wrote in a Tuesday blog post. "We're there in the trenches building these Ajax apps and a lot of the stuff that we're doing is way, way too hard for us," Alamaer said in a video announcement. "It doesn't have to be that hard on the open Web." The duo talked to Mozilla and were "surprised to find out that Mozilla wanted to invest in this area, and they wanted to create a team to address productivity on the Web to create developer tools," Galbraith said on the video. The Developer Tool Labs will look at the problem and see where it makes sense to step in, they wrote on the Ajaxian blog. "We are going to be experimenting, and thinking about how to make developers' lives better in different ways, so we aren't expecting to see traditional tools come out of this group." "We aren't narrowly going to look at a way to build Eclipse plugins for example," Alamaer wrote on his blog. "Rather, we want to take a step back and see how we can help Web developers build compelling software with great user experiences in a productive way." Alamaer and Galbraith encouraged developers to step up with their ideas. "We can build these tools in the open, with total transparency; the Mozilla way," they wrote. The group plans to release more details about the project in the coming weeks. Increase your Internet Speed as well as get Computer Tech Services online 24x7 by Microsoft Certified Techs. More on Mozilla>> Avoiding Windows email viruses with Mozilla Mail How to configure Mozilla's "Navigator" Keyboard Shortcuts in Mozilla Extensions In Mozilla Source-