This depends on the Mozilla product you are using: - Firefox and Thunderbird: Select Tools -> Extensions to open the extension manager which allows you to view, update and remove extensions. - Mozilla Suite: Some extensions offer uninstallers. To remove these extensions, select Edit -> Preferences and look for the extension's name. If it does not appear in this list / does not come with an uninstall function, you can use Extension uninstaller to view and remove installed extensions.Extension uninstaller has not been updated as of June 12th, 2006 to work with the Seamonkey Suite. Note: If you are developing an extension, you can use the extension uninstaller API to add uninstall functionality for your Mozilla Suite extension: Extension Uninstaller API. Improve Internet Speed as well as get Computer tech Support online by Microsoft certified technicians 24x7.. More on Mozilla>> Extensions In Mozilla Using Junk Mail Controls Mozilla's Spam filter perform better than Mail Shield's Mozilla’s spam filter