Live Bookmarks are a very useful Firefox feature. As the name implies, these bookmarks offer dynamically updated links/content like in the example below:
As you can see, selecting the "Latest Headlines" Live Bookmark (it comes with Firefox when you install it) shows current news headlines that are linked to the corresponding articles. These headlines are constantly updated, i.e. when you select "Latest headlines" at a later time, you should see new headlines. Already, many sites like e.g. Yahoo News or BBC News support Live Bookmarks by offering RSS or Atom feeds.
Firefox uses the icon for Live Bookmarks. This allows you to easily tell which bookmark is a regular (static) or live (dynamic) bookmark.
Adding Live Bookmarks
When a site that offers RSS feeds lets Firefox know that it does, adding a live bookmark is easy:
You can tell that a site offers an RSS feed when you see the live bookmark icon in the lower right hand corner of Firefox's browser window.
If you want to add a live bookmark for that site, simply click on the icon an then on Subscribe to...
Select where you want to save the live bookmark and click on OK.
Firefox has now added a new live bookmark for BBC News. Click on it to see their latest headlines.
Manually creating a new Live Bookmark
If the site does not tell Firefox that it offers RSS feeds, you can manually create a live bookmark.
Usually, these site have links that say "RSS feed" or "Atom feed".
Right-click on the link and select Copy Link Location.
Next, open Firefox's Bookmarks Manager and select File -> New Live Bookmark.
Enter a name for the live Bookmark under "Name". Then, right-click into the "Feed Location" field and select Paste. Click on OK and you have manually created a new live bookmark.
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More on Mozilla's Bookmarks>
Firefox's Bookmark Manager
Bookmark all open tabs
Basics: Bookmarking a page
Mozilla’s Bookmarks Toolbar