Nexus was the first worldwide web interface that came into existence in the year 1991. But after that the war of browsers has started and is still going on. Hundreds of web browsers will come up the list if you search for the list of browsers in the Google. These web browsers are finding for their places in the World Wide Web. But mainly three browsers are fighting for the throne of best web browser place. But computer help experts suggest that picking the best among these three is really difficult because all of these have features that are really user friendly and these browsers are continuously updating themselves with newer versions, add-ons and a lot more thing. The three most popular browsers are Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome.
Chrome has beaten Safari which is neither a fast browser nor is its add-ons are user friendly browser according to the computer help experts. Instead of tweaking the application up the add-ons make the browsers difficult to handle in Safari. Considering the aspects like privacy, security and performance these three are the best among all the web browsers.
The primary but important factor in these web browsers is the question of security. If proper security is not ensured you won't be choosing to shop online or perform any monetary transaction online. The two factors that try to harm security are Malware and Phishing. Computer help experts want you to know about these terms. Most of you are familiar with the term Malware which is a specially designed program that can track the user information and Phishing is the sort of high tech security threat where the users are referred to the websites where the need to give inputs about their personal and financial details and passwords. These sites look so genuine that you hardly can detect them as being malicious websites. To fight these menaces OIE has options like 'Malware Protection' and 'Phishing Filter'. Firefox has own unique technology to beat the security threat. And Chrome uses another unique technique of sandboxing which controls the infiltrate access to the computer.
For ensuring privacy of the users IE is equipped with 'InPrivate' and Firefox is equipped with Incognito'. Google Chrome has its own privacy setting. You can activate theses from the tools menu in Google Chrome.
While consider these on the basis of performance finding the best one among these three sites is almost impossible. Mozilla, IE or Chrome-all of them works nicely. So the choice is on you only. If you try to load a video file you will see all the three web browsers are taking the more or less same amount of time. But you can consider some factors when you try to choose between these three. If you are a tech savvy person and want your woks to be done in a perfect way you can go for Firefox. Firefox with its various add-ons can give you the chance to have worked perfectly on many respects. If you want the user interface to be customized on your own favorite way you can go for Chrome. In other case, you can go for IE.
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Sep 29, 2011
Computer Help on Web Browsers
Labels: Computer Help on Web Browsers
Sep 26, 2011
FireFox Crashes - Stop Crashes on FireFox for Good
Mozilla FireFox is probably the most widely-used web browser after Internet Explorer. To date, millions of people scattered across all parts of the globe are using Mozilla Firefox to as their preferred choice for browsing the internet. However, despite its popularity and the range of functionalities it offers, it's also causing a lot of problems to computer users. One often seen problem associated with this browser is its habit of crashing unexpectedly.
When the FireFox browser crashes, users often lose important information and their work can be greatly affected. Even if they don't lose work, it's undeniably a very frustrating problem. To make sure that browser won't crash, it's necessary to understand the different problems that are causing crashes to occur. By understanding the factors affecting the Mozilla Firefox crash, you will be able to properly solve it. This tutorial will teach you exactly how to do so.
Often, Mozilla Firefox will crash because the applications accessed by the user cannot be supported, or they do not have the right settings. If these settings are not present, it's only logical that they cannot run properly. Another cause is faulty plug-ins. More importantly, the error may also be caused by registry problems in Windows. To make sure the problem won't persist, it's best to try and solve each possible issue, one at a time. Other causes include:
* Changes in Windows settings
* Corrupted or damaged Firefox files
* Deleted or moved Firefox files
* Damaged or corrupted computer registry
How To Fix The FireFox Crashes On Your PC
Different troubleshooting methods are outlined as follows:
The first step you should always take is to restart the computer. Firefox is a platform that has been designed extremely well, so when it crashes it may only be due to minor glitches. Restarting the computer can often resolve any problems. When the computer is restarted, the settings and other files and options get refreshed, so many issues are resolved. The web browser can then run smoothly again. However, if the problem persists even after restarting then you are going to have to get a little technical.
If restarting cannot fix the problem you are having, then reinstalling the Firefox application should help solve the issue. Reinstallation of the program can help overwrite faulty components of the application. Further, it will also be easier for the computer to support the application when its settings and files are refreshed. To reinstall Firefox, go to your Start Button and then select Control Panel. Browse over the selections and then choose the Add/Remove Programs tool. Search for Mozilla Firefox and then choose either remove or uninstall. Follow the instructions provided and then restart the computer. Download a fresh copy of Firefox (you'll have to use IE or another browser to do this) and then install it once more. If the problem is still not resolved after this, then another solution should be initiated.
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Sep 20, 2011
The Mobile Phone Browser, Mozilla Fennec
Reaching a mass of 200 million people and after setting the Guinness Record for the most downloaded software in a single day, Firefox goes mobile with Fennec, its long-under-development mobile browser. As Fennec enters the early stage of release, the mobile browser war heats up.
Fennec has to directly compete with some of the established browsers for mobile phone, Safari - mainly for iPhone, IE mobile - which supports windows powered smart phones, the global mobile bowser leader, Opera and the emerging giant Android. Though these browsers are well settled in their platform, and.. only in their respective platforms, users has to worry about working with them on a different platform other than their native. So, The world is watching and expecting Mozilla to bring a kick-ass product for the mobile.
We know that user experience is the most important aspect of having a compelling mobile product and Mozilla is the one that understands it better! Fennec brings all the power of Firefox, like tabbed browsing, URL bar with integrated search a.k.a Awesome bar (found in Firefox 3) and of course, pishing protection (to mention a few) and integrates it with its own fascinating features like, faster start up times, better panning and zooming and responsiveness while pages are loading.
Fennec is still in the alpha version (a version for developers) and yet to become a beta. To download Fennec (alpha version) and learn more about Fennec, visit Mozilla. See the below video to have an idea of Fennecs user interface and how Fennec works.
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Labels: Mozilla Fennec, The Mobile Phone Browser
Sep 19, 2011
How to Find My Download List on Mozilla FirefoxMozilla Firefox
Mozilla Firefox is a free, customizable Internet browser. By default, when you download a document or item from the Internet through your Firefox browser, a download window will appear. This download list shows the progress of each item being downloaded. Once your items have been downloaded, your download list will disappear. You can easily access your download list through the browser toolbar or by using keystroke commands on your keyboard.
Open Mozilla Firefox.
Go to the browser toolbar and click on "Tools." On a PC, your browser toolbar will run across the top of your Firefox browser window. On a Mac, your toolbar will be listed across the top of your computer screen, to the right of the Apple symbol. The Mozilla Firefox support site notes you can also access your download list by pressing the "Command" and "J" buttons.
Select "Downloads" from the pop-up list. Your download list will now appear on your screen. If you have not downloaded any items, your download list will be blank. Otherwise, all of your downloaded items for your most recent Firefox session will be noted in the list.
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Sep 15, 2011
Reasons Why Firefox Mozilla Outweighs the Other Web Browsers
Firefox was launched as the battling sword of Mozilla against the various web browsers and more specifically Internet Explorer by Microsoft. Internet Explorer of Microsoft enjoyed the monopoly in the browser market for many years until Firefox was launched, and now Internet Explorer has to even share a major chunk of its market value with Firefox. So what makes Firefox unanimously acceptable over internet explorer or any other web browser?
Firstly it allows tabbed browsing. This is of tremendous help to someone who wants to exploit every minute of using the internet and it is also much neater and easier to view 10 tabs in a single window instead of viewing 10 different windows! Firefox works equally efficiently on different operating systems like Windows, UNIX, Linux and BSD. Another added feature in Firefox is that it has a built-in download manager. With this feature you can pause, resume or stop a downloading process as and when you like.
Firefox also provides extensive page-control. You can block ads, pop-ups, images, etc. you can also toggle with the font type and color of the websites. Firefox also provides a unique search bar with which you can search on a minimum of 10 different search engines just with the click of a button. This browser also aids in spell-check which is vital for blogging and supports online form filling; this feature is absent in internet explorer.
Apart from all this, the most satisfying and convincing benefit is that Firefox provides security on net like no other web browser. Microsoft Internet Explorer has been exploited number of times by various security threats like Spyware or any other perilous installations. Mozilla Firefox blocks such installations and is less susceptible to security breaches. The reason for this is that Firefox uses a completely different technique for security. It does not depend on any security zones or digital signatures, etc. It also does not have the ActiveX component which is used by many websites to automatically install malicious content on you computer by executing some destructive scripts.
Firefox is a completely open source project. Therefore coders can manipulate the code to add new extensions, plug-ins, bug fixers, or any other noted feature to suit the client requirements. You can even customize your Firefox browser by using the various available themes.
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Sep 14, 2011
Use Configuration Tweaks to Eliminate Mozilla Firefox Slow to Load Issues
Anytime you are browsing the web, the browser plays very important role in determining how your experience would be and this is the reason Mozilla Firefox slow to load questions has gained prominence among internet users in recent time. Mozilla Firefox is unarguably the fastest internet browser at the moment but it can slow down sometimes due to some reasons.
If you had enjoyed the speed of Firefox before now and would like to get that speed back, there certain Firefox configuration tweaks you can easily do to speed up your browser. There are lots of journals on how best to speed up Firefox but our concern here is to give you practical guide on how you can easily get your Firefox configured for the much needed faster browsing.
Mozilla Firefox slow to load would seize to be any issue for you by the time you follow these four easy configuration tweaks.
The first thing you should do right away is type 'about:config' in your mozilla browser. You will see the following lines; "network.http.pipelining", "network.http.pipelining.maxrequests", "network.http.proxy.pipelining", "network.http.pipelining", network.dns.disableIPv6", and then, "plugin.expose_full_path". You can easily search for any of these lines by typing any of the lines in the filter bar of your browser.
The moment you find any of the lines, you must change the values one after the other to 'TRUE' except one of the lines. For instance, you are going to change all these lines values to 'TRUE'; thus; 'network.http.pipelining', 'network.http.proxy.pipelining', 'network.http.pipelining', 'plugin.expose_full_path'. The only line that its value wouldn't be 'true' is the 'network.http.pipelining.maxrequests'. It has to be clicked severally to get the value 30.
When you have successfully finished with the above configurations, it is now time to work closely on the filter bar. Just type "" on the filter bar. Just right-click on it, then choose the 'NEW', and then select 'INTEGER'.
Immediately after that, type 'content.notify.backoffcount" on the new INTEGER Value box and then simply click 'OK'. Then type '5' on the Enter Integer value box and click 'OK' too.
Then again, right-click on "" and make sure you choose 'NEW, then select 'INTEGER'.
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Sep 7, 2011
Mozilla's New Security Tool
According to an IT support issue published just the previous week, it is believed that Mozilla is on the process of developing a tool for giving all the users of its rival browsers an easy way to find if the important add-ons are updated or not. The tool will allow the users of Internet Explorer, Chrome, Opera and Safari to check out if its add-ons are updated to their latest versions.
Mozilla has plans to switch on the cross-browser function of its new web tool which is an addition to its previous checking mechanism rooted into the Firefox 3.6 version. The newly developed functionality allows other major browsers such as Chrome 4, Safari 4 and the Opera 10.5 version users to easily checkout their outdated plug-ins. For instance, you can easily check out the versions of Adobe Flash, apple's QuickTime, etc. add-ons. However, the support of the tools is restricted for all Internet Explorer users to just IE7 and IE8. The main reason behind developing the tool is to avoid hackers from hacking your computer system due to the outdated versions of the add-ons. If unpatched, the chances of the system being susceptible to attacks increase.
Mozilla on Tuesday had activated the IT services plug-in for all the other browsers to check its usability in the preliminary version. However, the add-on was turned on only for checking the functionality and not for deals. In the newly designed add-on, the outdated plugins are tagged simply as "Update" in order to bring in the attention of the users. On the other hand, the updated plugins are tagged as "Up To Date" else tagged as "Research" if the status of the add-on is unknown. Some of the other tags which will be later added in the later phases of the plugin are "Maybe Vulnerable" and "Maybe Outdated".
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Labels: Mozilla's New Security Tool
Aug 31, 2011
Mozilla Firefox Breaks World Record
Mozilla Firefox 3.0, the resurgent browser developer has come of age with its latest offering. The new browser has been downloaded well over 8 million times in 24 hours as against the developer's target of 5 million and has entered the Guinness Book of World Records for maximum number of downloads in a single day of download history. There was overwhelming support, both from the United States and the Euro zone with downloads in excess of 2.5 million apiece.
The response for the finished Mozilla browser is largely on account of meticulous care the foundation has taken in providing solutions to expert suggestions. The new version was delivered after three and half years of extensive research and development which included of six months of public testing. The highly mutated form of earlier versions of the browser is set to change the way users organize and search the sites, they frequent more often. Back in late 1990's, the Netscape, the first browser developer virtually lost out to Microsoft's Internet Explorer, but with the third avatar of Firefox, they are making an attempt to garner the past glory.
After America Online took over Netscape, they created a non-profit Mozilla Foundation in 2003. The first offering from them, the Firefox, itself was able to catch the imagination of the internet buffs. It is estimated, Firefox has 200 million users worldwide prior to the launch of the new version and the numbers are still growing rapidly. Millions of users had downloaded Firefox and started using the browser in lieu of the default browser Internet Explorer clearly indicates its user-friendliness and application.
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Aug 25, 2011
Uninstall Mozilla Firefox on a Mac
When you uninstall Mozilla Firefox from your Mac, you have the option of removing only the application or removing the application and the user account information. Uninstalling only the Firefox application means that if you reinstall Firefox, all of your previous bookmarks, menu items and personal preferences will return. Uninstalling both the application and the account information erases all Firefox information. If you reinstall the application, it will have the default settings.
Go to the "Applications" folder in the Finder.
Click on "Firefox," drag it to the Trash and drop it. If you only want to uninstall the application, skip to Step 5.
Click on the "Go" menu and select "Home." Open the "Library" folder. Open the "Application Support" folder. Open the "Firefox" folder. Open the "Profiles" folder.
Click on the folder with the ".default" extension. Drag it to the Trash and drop it.
Go to the "Finder" menu and select "Empty Trash." Confirm the selection in the pop-up window.
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Aug 19, 2011
Vital Tips You Can Use to Speed Up Mozilla Firefox Browser
Nothing dulls the mind like a sluggish browser that slows the surfing speed of the user. This usually brings the issue of how to speed up Mozilla browser. It is quite frustrating to have a slow Mozilla because the WebPages won't load on time, the window will freeze most of the time and you would discover that Mozilla will be full of error messages. Soon as you notice any of these, it is time do affect some cleaning so as to regain your browser's speed. If left unattended in such sluggish state, the browser would make it almost impossible to do any meaningfully thing with the computer especially if the activity is internet-related. If you insist on using it as it is, you may be surprised that at each time you want to initiate browsing, the windows would be telling you to please wait while it works to fix the problem. You can wait for some 10 minutes and be sure that it will repeat after a little time. If this continues for awhile, you may be surprised that all of a sudden the windows can't even fix the issue any more and this is when we have the greatest unfortunate incident- crash, on our hands!
The Mozilla is usually slow as a result of all the files that have been stored on your computer as you keep using it. Many of the files we leave on our computers are unnecessary or aren't needed at the moment but take up much pretty space and cluster the system thereby slowing the speed of the browser. These unnecessary files reside in your system's registry and would continue to slow down the browser's speed till you get rid of them. There are some ways to speed up Mozilla by fixing the registry issues.
Some people may start thinking of buying a new computer the moment they are confronted with the slow speed. But the truth is that even if you buy another computer, it would still get slow at some point. So it is more important to find ways of boosting the speed or eliminating the things that slows the computer rather than thinking of purchasing another one.
You may opt to delete the files you don't use or those you seldom use one after the other. Note that any file you delete from your system frees some space and gives room for faster operations. It is time consuming though to practically remove unwanted files individually so before embarking on it, you have to consider the time it would take you to get it all done.
You may decide to take your computer to a professional laptop or computer engineer to clean up your system but remember that you have to pay some money for the service. This is something that has simply solution and it can be done by you without any hassle.
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Aug 5, 2011
Add SpellCheck to Mozilla
If you've ever spent the better part of a half hour filling in a commercial Web site's required information fields, you know how frustrating a few missed letters or keystrokes can be. When you add spellcheck to Mozilla applications like Firefox or Thunderbird, you can check the spelling of field entries and save yourself a lot of aggravation.
Find out what version of Mozilla you have. Open the browser and click on the "Help" tab, and then drag down to "About Mozilla." You should get a page which lists the current version of Mozilla.
Go to the Mozilla support site. You can find a quick link to this free site in the Resources section below.
Find your version of Mozilla. Underneath the name of each version of Mozilla is a list of supported operating systems.
Choose your operating system. Find the name of your operating system and click on the Install link. You may choose to download the spellchecker first and install it later.
Confirm the spellcheck version. Read the filename in the download window and make sure that it is compatible with your version of Mozilla. Click "Install Now."
Wait for the download and install to finish. This may take some time.
Restart your browser for the spellchecker to take effect.
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Labels: Add SpellCheck to Mozilla
Jul 28, 2011
How to Repair Mozilla Thunderbird
Mozilla Thunderbird is a mail client that uses the same code base as Mozilla Firefox. Just like Firefox, Thunderbird can suffer profile locks that block you from accessing the service. The error message reads: "Thunderbird is already running, but not responding. To open a new window you must close the existing Thunderbird process, or restart your system." You will need to remove the profile lock by deleting all Mozilla processes from your Windows taskbar.
Unlock Mozilla Thunderbird
Access your Windows Task Manager by pressing the "Ctrl," "Alt" and "Delete" keys simultaneously.
Left-click the "Processes" tab.
Highlight each Mozilla process and then press the "End Task" button located at the bottom right corner of the window.
Close the Windows Task Manager.
Restart your computer to finish repairing Mozilla Thunderbird.
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Labels: Repair Mozilla Thunderbird
Jul 21, 2011
How to Get Mozilla Firefox Out of Safe Mode
Exit your Firefox browser if it's open. Close all windows. If Firefox is stuck, visit your Task Manager, click on Firefox and select "End Task."
Locate the Firefox shortcut on your computer's desktop. Right-click on the shortcut and select "Properties."
Click on the "Shortcut" tab. Find the "Target" field. Look at the target path and find the phrase "-safe-mode" at the end of it. (If the Firefox path doesn't have the "-safe-mode" extension at the end of it, you are currently running Firefox out of safe mode.)
Position your cursor so that it is to the right of the "e" in "mode." Delete all of the characters in the "-safe-mode" part of the path so that the path ends with "exe."
Select "Apply" and "OK."
Restart Firefox and enjoy it out of safe mode.
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Jul 12, 2011
Mozilla New Security Tool
According to an IT support issue published just the previous week, it is believed that Mozilla is on the process of developing a tool for giving all the users of its rival browsers an easy way to find if the important add-ons are updated or not. The tool will allow the users of Internet Explorer, Chrome, Opera and Safari to check out if its add-ons are updated to their latest versions.
Mozilla has plans to switch on the cross-browser function of its new web tool which is an addition to its previous checking mechanism rooted into the Firefox 3.6 version. The newly developed functionality allows other major browsers such as Chrome 4, Safari 4 and the Opera 10.5 version users to easily checkout their outdated plug-ins. For instance, you can easily check out the versions of Adobe Flash, apple's QuickTime, etc. add-ons. However, the support of the tools is restricted for all Internet Explorer users to just IE7 and IE8. The main reason behind developing the tool is to avoid hackers from hacking your computer system due to the outdated versions of the add-ons. If unpatched, the chances of the system being susceptible to attacks increase.
Mozilla on Tuesday had activated the IT services plug-in for all the other browsers to check its usability in the preliminary version. However, the add-on was turned on only for checking the functionality and not for deals. In the newly designed add-on, the outdated plugins are tagged simply as "Update" in order to bring in the attention of the users. On the other hand, the updated plugins are tagged as "Up To Date" else tagged as "Research" if the status of the add-on is unknown. Some of the other tags which will be later added in the later phases of the plugin are "Maybe Vulnerable" and "Maybe Outdated".
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Labels: Mozilla New Security Tool
Jul 1, 2011
Why Use Mozilla Firefox?
Firefox is a great alternative to Microsoft's Internet Explorer, mostly because of its security and customization. Firefox is able to download items more quickly, is vastly more secure against malicious viruses and hackers, and offers great customization options, making it an obvious choice for people who spend a lot of their time browsing the Internet.
Internet Explorer lacks the multitude of great add-ons (downloadable enhancements) that Firefox offers. Mozilla has cultivated and encouraged a very creative user-based community that offers a wide range of options for customization. Thousands of add-ons of all different types are available for download at the Mozilla website, allowing users to personalize their Firefox experience.
Firefox also employs tabbed browsing, which makes browsing multiple web pages possible. A great feature that allows users to view different web pages in a single browser window, which is especially convenient for comparison shopping.
Although tabbed browsing has finally been adopted by Internet Explorer 7, Microsoft's browser significantly slows down after just several tabs have been opened, whereas Firefox can handle many more before any noticeable reduction in speed or responsiveness. Firefox also has the huge advantage because its users are able to customize their tabs through Mozilla's database of add-ons geared specifically at improving the tabbed browsing feature.
Unlike Internet Explorer, Firefox only uses a small amount of memory to open and run. The web browser only takes up a few resources, leaving your computer plenty of memory to run and operate other programs. Users also praise Firefox's ability to bring back their Firefox session, including all tabs that were open, if it should ever close unexpectedly.
Firefox offers its users with top-notch security against Internet-born viruses and spyware. Unlike Internet Explorer, Firefox utilizes incredibly superior built-in security measures that protect its users against any viruses, spyware and pop-ups that they may get while browsing the Internet. It is also constantly updated and patched in response to the latest security threats.
Of course, Firefox has its disadvantages as well, mainly in the form of incompatibility. Some websites designed specifically for Internet Explorer will not display properly or at all with Firefox, especially pages with ActiveX and VBScript, which are not supported by Firefox.
Mozilla is one of several free downloadable Internet browsers available. Smaller memory footprint, high levels of customization, faster load times and better security all make Mozilla's Firefox a worthy competitor in the internet browser war. So try it out for yourself and decide if it's the right browser for you.
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Labels: Mozilla Firefox help
Jun 28, 2011
As Mozilla Disses the Enterprise, Google Chrome Steps Into the Breach
As popular as Firefox is with their users, businesses have been decrying Mozilla's typical, rapid-fire schedule of updates to the browser. They claim that the frenzied schedule poses a challenge for testing and deploying Firefox updates throughout an organization, particularly ones that may be supporting thousands of clients running Firefox, or those that have many custom in-house Web apps.
Even worse by enterprise lights, after only three weeks of release, Mozilla has declared Firefox 4 support end-of-lifed with the release of Firefox 5.
"Tying Firefox product development to an organizational process we do not control would make it difficult for us to continue to innovate for our users and the betterment of the Web," said another key spokesman, Mozilla channel manager Kev Needham.
While Mozilla reiterates that business organizations' interests are not critical to Firefox's development, Google is taking great lengths to reassure that same audience about its commitment to commercial customers. Glenn Wilson, product manager of Chrome for Business said that although Google's browser has just as rapid of an update process as Firefox (updates are pushed out every six weeks), the Chrome team is focused on achieving a balance between security updates and compatibility.
"We have been listening to admins and they have been helping drive a road map," Wilson said recently. For Google, adoption of Chrome in the enterprise, schools and government "is a priority," he added.
That priority takes shape in several native capabilities intended to make Chrome more appealing to IT. One such feature included is support for Group Policy. Although Google's Chrome team only supports the current version of Chrome, with Group Policy integration, administrators can delay updating until a newer version of Chrome is fully tested to ensure compatibility with custom Web apps or other browser-based software.
This way, in the event an update does break a critical piece of software, admins can say, "Don't update until we can find out what's going on," Wilson said.
System administrators can also manage usage of extensions for Chrome through Group Policy. There are several policy templates that Google offers for Chrome to help with the management and customization of Chrome settings in a corporate environment.
Another big feature for business users is an MSI installer, which allows IT to roll out Chrome using standard deployment methods.
Google also offers another tool to alleviate pain points for business—the Google Chrome Frame. It's a plug-in that delivers Chrome's Open Web technology and JaveScript engine to IE. Organizations who want to hold off on auto-updating Chrome can do so and still offer managed Chrome Frame to their users.
Additionally, Google Apps users can call Google for Chrome support, if needed.
In contrast to Mozilla, Google seems focused on not alienating businesses and a big reason for that is its continued push for Google Chrome OS. During the All Things Digital D9 conference in April, Rajen Sheth, a group product manager and business manager at Google, put it bluntly, "My mission is to bring Chrome to business and to ask how we make it something that can reshape the enterprise desktop."
Google is banking on its business customers' love for Chrome to naturally morph into love for Chrome OS. That's not a bad bet.
Labels: Mozilla Firefox help
Jun 23, 2011
Mozilla retires Firefox 4 from security support
Upgrade to Firefox 5 to get patches, says company, but add-on compatibility issues may make some users hesitate Firefox 5 was Mozilla's decision to retire Firefox 4, the browser it shipped just three months ago. As part of Tuesday's Firefox 5 release, Mozilla spelled out vulnerabilities it had patched in that edition and in 2010's Firefox 3.6, but it made no mention of any bugs fixed in Firefox 4.
That's because Firefox 4 has reached what Mozilla calls EOL, for "end of life," for vulnerability patches. Although the move may have caught users by surprise, the decision to stop supporting Firefox 4 with security updates has been discussed by Mozilla's developers and managers for weeks.
A mailing list thread that started May 17 evolved into a back-and-forth about the rapid-release schedule and its impact on Firefox 4. Christian Legnitto, the Firefox release manager, put it most succinctly in a May 25 message. "Firefox 5 will be the security update for Firefox 4," Legnitto said. As Mozilla had said earlier, that means Firefox 4.0.1 -- shipped in late April to fix eight flaws -- was the one and only security update for Firefox 4.
Mozilla is essentially taking another page from Google Chrome's playbook. Google only outlines the patches it has applied to the current "stable" build, the most polished form of Chrome that is analogous to Mozilla's final releases. Google does not patch the flaws in earlier editions, primarily because it automatically updates the browser in the background, ensuing that virtually all users are running the most secure version.
Mozilla doesn't yet conduct automatic updates, but it has changed how upgrades to a new version are offered to Firefox users. "[For earlier major upgrades] we popped up a window asking people to opt in (major update offer)," said Legnitto in another message on the same thread. "For 4.0.1, users will need to opt out (minor update offer, like point/security releases)." Mozilla expects the opt-out approach will get more users onto the newest edition faster.
On Tuesday, Firefox 4 users started seeing the upgrade offer for Firefox 5 when a pop-up appeared reading: "A security and stability update for Firefox is available. It is strongly suggested that you apply this update for Firefox as soon as possible."In the offer, the default action was "Update Firefox." Only by clicking the "Ask Later" button or by closing the pop-up can users decline the upgrade. But some Firefox 4 users may want to opt out of the upgrade, even though that leaves them at risk to exploits of already patched bugs. One traditional area of concern is add-on compatibility, a pain point known to longtime Firefox users when they've moved from one version number to the next.
Labels: Mozilla Support
Jun 17, 2011
Mozilla Firefox 5 almost out the door
In case you haven’t been keeping up with the Firefox nightly builds/beta, here is a list of features that have been added to the RC version of Firefox 5:
- Added support for CSS animations;
- The Do-Not-Track header preference has been moved to increase discoverability;
- Improved canvas, JavaScript, memory, and networking performance;
- Improved standards support for HTML5, XHR, MathML, SMIL and canvas;
- Improved spell-checking for some locales;
- Improved desktop environment integration for Linux users;
- WebGL content can no longer load cross-domain textures;
- Background tabs have setTimeout and setInterval clamped to 1000ms to improve performance; and
- The Firefox development channel switcher introduced in previous Firefox Beta updates has been removed.
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Jun 13, 2011
Mozilla Firefox Breaks World Record
The response for the finished Mozilla browser is largely on account of meticulous care the foundation has taken in providing solutions to expert suggestions. The new version was delivered after three and half years of extensive research and development which included of six months of public testing. The highly mutated form of earlier versions of the browser is set to change the way users organize and search the sites, they frequent more often. Back in late 1990's, the Netscape, the first browser developer virtually lost out to Microsoft's Internet Explorer, but with the third avatar of Firefox, they are making an attempt to garner the past glory.
After America Online took over Netscape, they created a non-profit Mozilla Foundation in 2003. The first offering from them, the Firefox, itself was able to catch the imagination of the internet buffs. It is estimated, Firefox has 200 million users worldwide prior to the launch of the new version and the numbers are still growing rapidly. Millions of users had downloaded Firefox and started using the browser in lieu of the default browser Internet Explorer clearly indicates its user-friendliness and application.
The new Firefox 3.0 browser is faster than Firefox 2.0. The latest versions of Internet Explorer, which has 75% share among the web users and other leading browser developers including Opera and Safari do not match the speed rendered by the latest Firefox version. Like its earlier version, this too has added security features to expunge any misuse. It has in-built features to instantly detect phishing and malware forays. Moreover, one's computer's resources are less drained while navigating on the internet with Firefox 3.0.
Consequently, Microsoft also unveiled the public test version of the latest edition of Internet Explorer, version 8.0. So far Firefox 3.0 has no competitor in terms of effectiveness and efficiency to strike any comparison. But the fine tuned edition of Internet Explorer which is expected to be released by the end of this year may become a potential competitor in the e-space. It is learned that even Apple's Safari browser has shrugged off its previous image of providing surf solutions to its own devices, and would be extending its compatible browsing services to other devices as well.
Stiff challenges in future is likely to improve the efficiency of browsers especially the subsequent versions of Firefox, which already offers exploring of multiple tabs or windows, complex pages and lots of embedded content without crashing. The exciting response on the download of new version, the most customizable browser ever to hit the net will certainly prompt the Mozilla Foundation to improve on.
Labels: Browser Problem, Browser Support
Jun 3, 2011
Browser Comparison - Mozilla Firefox Vs Internet Explorer
Web browsing or internet browsing constitutes almost over 80% of usage for a PC / Laptop users. Still it is one of the most compromised areas too. Browser crashes and slower loading time of graphic web pages are going to be things of the past with the latest IE in action. One of the most striking feature of IE 9 is that it puts content first. The screen space for the website is increased and browser controls reduced. So how does the experience get better?
1. Hardware acceleration: With the use of Microsoft DirectX technology in this browser, premium quality graphics will be displayed at ease.
2. HTML 5: Now enjoy Adobe Flash and Microsoft SilverLight without any need for plugins - thanks to HTML 5 supportable IE 9
3. JScript engine: The javascript engine used in IE9 is "Chakra" which compiles scripts on the fly that the running time is reduced
4. SVG: With SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) incorporated in IE9, the images and charts and maps will no more be pixilated in browser.
IE 9 has some very cool features over its previous version.
Single search/URL bar: With the unified search and URL bar, the browser has more space to display the page contents using lesser space for browser tools.
Pin websites to taskbar: If you liked the feature in windows 7 that allowed you to pin the frequently used applications to the taskbar, then you are going to love this new feature in IE9. You can now pin a website like an application to the task bar. Voila, you get to browser your favorite site just by a single click. Whats more, if the site had configured meta tags for jump list, you'll see them upon right clicking on the pinned icon.
Smart Security: The IE9 is smarter in identifying and memorizing your regular download types.The built-in download manager doesn't pop up annoying warning for your most common types of downloads (like winamp) unlike the smartscreen filters in the previous IE versions.
Tear off/Aero Snap tabs: Well, this is not new if you had experience with Firefox 4. I thought this was one feature that IE was missing with respect to tabbed browsing and now that's there too!
May 26, 2011
A Fast Examination of Mozilla Firefox
In order to fix the bugs of its older version (3.5), the browser's latest release puts the focus on rapid execution of Web pages just like its rival, Opera currently offers. The new version also continues to improve performance, stability, and security compared to prior releases, according to the Mozilla Foundation. Firefox now offers its users the option of "private browsing" that's already present in other competitors such as Safari.
Another element designed to enhance and facilitate the work of web designers; there are now numerous functions that permit designers to make more engaging websites. But it is the architecture and especially the performance of the engine which makes the difference. In truth it is on this aspect that Mozilla is trying to keep its leadership on the market.
On the list of latest development we've the automatic detection of extensions to ensure that they are compatible with newer versions of the browser before updating, new Personas, full screen videos, a greater number of fonts, along with added support for cutting edge CSS features. Concerning personas, which had made the success of the browser, the choice has been integrated into the browser, so you will no longer have to download the extension and for that reason no need to restart Firefox to see changes.
Firefox is a Internet browser more and more popular because of its many features and plug-ins which are very practical for its users and that perform faster than other browsers like Internet Explorer 8 that are less intuitive.
Nevertheless during recent times there's been more aggressive competition from the rivals. Internet Explorer just isn't far behind nowadays and has made some serious catching up. Google Chrome is undoubtedly a significant threat considering the fact that it is also open-source software and is backed up by the financial strength of Google. Up to now Firefox has been able to survive and we're expecting that it'll keep doing so and it is the other browsers which will have to be cautious about losing share of the market.
So the next times that you will need to set up a new browser on your laptop or desktop computer, don't forget about Mozilla Firefox and you'll not regret it.
May 20, 2011
Firefox Vs Internet Explorer - Who Tops the Best Web Browsers?
One of Firefox's biggest advantages is the security they offer. This is often the reason for users switching from Internet Explorer to Firefox. Security is very important for software that interacts with remote computers, such as online banking. Microsoft has been working for years to try to clamp down on the Internet Explorer security holes. They acquired an anti-spyware product, which it released under the banner of Microsoft AntiSpyware. They also promised its new Windows Vista platform would be more secure. However, many users of Windows Vista are rapidly switching back to the previous Windows XP platform.
Firefox also has multiple operating system versions available for users who run Windows (Windows 98 through to Windows XP), Mac OS X, all the leading versions of Linux, as well as some lesser-used operating systems. In comparison, Microsoft has dropped development for Mac, and other non-Windows systems. Furthermore, Microsoft has ceased new development even on their own versions of Windows, making the new Internet Explorer only available to users who have a license for Windows XP.
* With out-of-the-box features such as integrated Google search in the toolbar and multiple page tabs in one window, Firefox has IE constantly producing similar features in order to stay on par, yet they don't seem to fully perfect them.
* Firefox has generated incredible brand loyalty by allowing users to contribute extensions to its evolution as one of the best web browsers / internet applications. Not only is this making Firefox the better browser but it's also building the type of brand loyalty you can't buy.
* Mozilla is making things easier for developers by allowing us to use Firefox as much more than just one of the free web browsers. It's a validator, backlink checker, web developer tool wizard and more. This saves developers time and is a huge advantage over IE.
* Additional Firefox extensions are easily downloadable and arranged in a way that makes them easy to find. Even better, they allow you to see who contributed an extension, and what other people's rating of that extension is.
That being said, it's also important to note that Firefox is a voluntary download. Meaning, you have to want it in order to get it on your computer. Internet Explorer ships out standard with the Windows operating system and that may very well be enough to keep them at the top.
The IE 7 installer asks users to temporarily disable their antivirus and antispyware protection, which doesn't inspire confidence. Installing the ie7 download requires Windows validation, a restart, and a connection to Microsoft servers, which significantly slows down the process.
Installation of Firefox 2 is much faster and easier, completing in a minute or two. It scans any old versions for incompatible extensions, then updates any that are available. It also asks if you would like to import your saved bookmarks from IE.
Labels: Firefox Vs Internet Explorer
May 16, 2011
Why Mozilla Firefox is So Popular?
There are many factors behind Firefox's success but I think the added features and the marketing strategy make a whole lot difference in users' adopting the software. Another thing, I want to add is that Internet Explorer after winning the battle with Netscape's browser was left with no significant changes. Of course, this has changed with the upcoming new version of windows called Vista and a new version of Internet Explorer. I suppose Microsoft is trying to correct some omissions and bugs in various levels of the browser.
We are now going to explore the main features Firefox has at the moment. One of the main goal of the developers working in Firefox is enhanced usability and accessibility for the end user. Tabbed browsing, where you load many pages on the same window, is a valuable feature in Firefox as it can make your browsing a lot faster. Also, pop-up blocking eliminates those irritating ads and the user can easily find information on a particular page using the 'find as you type' feature. The built in search bar includes all the major search engines such as Google, Yahoo etc. and you can add more search engines if you want. People working on the accessibility of the browser have manged to make Firefox work with several screen readers, screen magnifiers and on-screen keyboards. These accessibility features can help people with impairments browse the Internet easier than before.
Another feature Firefox users like very much is that they can customize easily many aspects of the browser. Extensions such as the popular web developer or the Venkman debugger can be added to the browser and enhance the functionality of Firefox. Users, often like to have an appearance according to their preferences so they use different themes in Firefox. Therefore, themes are used to change the visual appearance of the browser.
Security is really important for end users and corporations. Both, want a secure browser that they can trust without the security holes of Internet Explorer and its ActiveX technology. Mozilla Firefox fulfills this requirement mainly by giving the opportunity to other developers to check the code for security bugs and using various successful security techniques and models such as the sandbox security model. In addition, the browser can be used in many different platforms and the source code is freely available for anyone to compile it and contribute to the project.
We have seen numerous features that Firefox has but I would like to talk a little bit about the marketing strategy that is used. The development of the browser is supported by search engines Google and Yahoo through partnerships and mostly by the open source community. Mozilla Foundation which is responsible for the development of the browser believes that community based marketing can be successful. They have proven their point by using a community based marketing web site called They were able to place an ad on New York Times through donations made by the community of developers and devotees during the release of Firefox 1.0.
Nov 3, 2009
Windows 7 – organizational functionality
With better navigation in the latest operating system, Windows 7, everyday tasks are easier to access. Introduction of Libraries helps to organize all files – music, videos, pictures, personal documents in a much better way. The new features also enable you to search remote desktop. Windows 7 applications offers several enhanced features for IT professionals like augmented search, browse, and organization that is helpful in deploying and maintaining desktop functionality.
It a nutshell, Windows 7 offers:
• Better performance and relevance of the search experience
• Aggregation and visualizations have been introduced to improve the organization of search results.
• The introduction of libraries to help with organization.
• Betterment in the performance and user interface of Windows Explorer.
• All supported operating systems available with added Group Policy settings.
• An expanded ability to do fast remote queries of file shares, including on Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, Windows XP with Windows Search 4.0 installed.
• Minimum effect on the server running Microsoft Exchange Server when indexing uncached e-mail.
• Performance and stability of the indexer gets improved
• The ability to assign mailboxes for e-mail.
• Encrypted documents support for indexing local file systems.
• Support for indexing digitally signed e-mail clients such as Microsoft Outlook.
By Windows Search Service, you can perform quick file searches on a server from your computers which is running Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008 R2. You can also search digitally signed email messages along with the attachments.
Labels: on windows 7, windows 7, windows 7 release, windows 7 xp, windows xp 7
Oct 23, 2009
Look for more things with better search option
This edition combines the latest in reliability and responsiveness with the familiarity and compatibility of Windows. Although in previous Microsoft OS, Windows Search has a familiar user interface for instant finding of files and e-mail messages located on your PC.
Windows 7 Home premium edition makes it easy to establish a home network and share all your favorite photos, videos, and music. With the help of Window 7 or windows xp 7 you can even watch, pause, rewind, and record TV.
With Windows 7 Professional edition, you can run many Windows XP productivity programs in Windows XP Mode and recover data easily with automatic backups to your home or business network. With Windows 7 you can also connect to company networks easily and with more security.
The Ultimate version of Windows 7 combines remarkable ease-of-use with the entertainment features of Windows 7 Home Premium and the business capabilities of Professional. And for enhanced security, you can encrypt your data with BitLocker and BitLocker To Go. You can also work in any of 35 languages with this edition of Windows 7. These are the features that give you a definite edge over earlier versions of Microsoft OS. I also think that the view your active networks section now looks much nicer and easier to understand.
Another interesting feature in Windows 7 is Reliability Monitor that allows you to know any future problem in advance. We often come across problems which might have been solved if known earlier. But how to know what our system is lacking?
Reliability monitor
Windows 7 Reliability Monitor offers a solution. It demonstrates how well is your system by measuring the hardware and software performance of your computer. The tool calculates the stability index of your system and specifies results in the range from 1-10 and thus from the results, you can get an overview of the overall performance of your system.
This feature was present in Windows Vista by the name of Reliability and Performance monitor but it has been renamed and further enhanced in Windows 7.
You can access this feature by following these steps:
STEP 1. Go to Windows 7 Action Center by clicking the Action Center icon in the system tray and and then choose Open Action Center.
STEP 2. Expand the Maintenance category, and click the View reliability history option.
STEP 3. Windows 7 will generate the reports in a graphical format and will display the stability of your system in the form of a graph. From here, you will be able to get an idea about how well your system is performing.
Any failure will be marked down in the graph, which can provide the complete information. Hence, an easy way to know any abnormality in the system.
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